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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back on my feet

It's been three weeks now, and I'm surviving this :) half way there! So three more weeks and I'll be walking in no time. Since I'm in a cast, and having been independent to travel for sometime driving around it comes a bit difficult for me to rely and ask for lifts here and there. Therefore there has been a lot of time spent in and leaving the house just for essential errands.

Cheers! Sahha! Prost! Salute!

Yes it has got boring at times so as one would expect there are things I've done that I wouldn't do otherwise as I'd have less time on my hands, such as make a quiz for games night, watch TV programmes about converting homes as well as old civilisations, learn how to drink whiskey and create a Xmas budget!
Exercising has taken a bit of a stop which makes me fear what it will be like getting back in shape. Working from home and not taking my own food to work, also does not help my diet. Since the fracture I've been having more teas with biscuits, pastas, and other carbs. I have now told myself to take it easy and work on eating more veggies and fruits, and focus on more protein and less carbs so as not to become a couch potato!

My main means of transport
right now

Apart from that I've also been courageous and started to put more weight down evenly on the whole foot. This way there's less of a chance to lose balance, as well as getting used to the fact that my leg will be carrying me again shortly. At first when I'd put my foot down, it would send a tingly sensation up my leg, this was more so when the toes go down first. However, today I put quite a bit of weight on my heel and evened it out slowly when in standing position - and I didn't feel pain :) which was a very good sign, or so I think. So when I use the crutches now, which is not that often as I'm way faster on the PC chair turned wheelchair - used at both home and work, I don't hop anymore but walk slowly on both feet. I'm hoping to use my leave next week to keep my walking going and train the leg to get used to it more and get some upper body and thigh exercises in too - proposed by my coach. More about how that'll go next week!

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